Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Spaghetti Bolognese

I used to make this meal when I stayed in a boarding house in Jakarta, Indonesia and in Sydney, Australia. The reason is that I can keep the meat sauce for longer period of time in the fridge or even freezer, and I can just take it out and eat in small portion each and then put it back in. Since Christian is not a big fan of pasta, I rarely make it for us. But today he said once in a while eating pasta is okay. So I made this pasta with a big smile. yuhuuuuu...I love pasta!

- 1 package of spaghetti noodle (try to find the one which is fast cooked, say about 5min)
- 1 lb of ground beef
- 1 clove of onion (Indonesian-bawang bombay), chop thinly
- 1 green bell pepper, wash and chop into small pieces
- 200gr of mushroom, wash and slice
- 1 jar ready made pasta sauce (I like garlic and mushroom or red wine flavor)
- pepper
- salt
- sugar
- oil
- water
- Parmesan cheese

In a pan, saute the onion for 2minutes. Add ground beef and cook until tender, stir it continuously. Add bell pepper, stir it. Add mushroom and continue to stir. Add the sauce, pepper, salt and sugar. Continue to stir and taste it.

In a pot, boil water. Add salt and a little bit oil. Put in the noodle and boil until cooked. Drain and place it on plate. Pour the sauce on top of the noodle and at last sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top.

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